My Recommended Products!
These are non-affiliate links to products I believe in for real results.

Vivier is a Canadian-made, pharmaceutical skin care line integrating science, innovative ingredients, and rigorous testing to deliver pure, highly potent antioxidants and products. What do antioxidants do? They neutralize free radicals released by damage (ie UV rays, smoking, pollution) and work to protect the skin. IntraDermal Technology allows for ideal absorption and hence, maximum benefits and results.
My recommendation: Any product from their Grenzine line containing Polyamine-DAB, their proprietary growth factor that restores volume, hydration, and repair for the skin. Amazing for the neck!
*Available for purchase at Flirt Cosmetics Studio
Shop NowAlumierMD
AlumierMD, a Canadian and US based company, developed their medical-grade skin care products by identifying specific skin profiles and conditions, then creating formulations with active ingredients to provide customized treatment plans for each individual. Addressing concerns such as acne, discolouration, rosacea/redness prone, sensitive, and aging skin means this line has a treatment for almost anyone.
My recommendation: HydraBoost cleanser and HydraDew moisturizer to get through the Calgary winters.
*Available for purchase at Flirt Cosmetics Studio
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SkinCeuticals' science based treatments grew from skin cancer research and the use of antioxidants for correcting signs of aging, protecting healthy skin, and preventing future damage. This US company has a comprehensive line of serums and targeted treatments integrating antioxidants with specific ingredients to address a variety of skin conditions and concerns.
My recommendation: Phyto Corrective Gel to treat sensitive, inflamed skin and Triple Lipid Restore 2:4:2 moisturizer for the ultimate in hydration.
*Available for purchase at Flirt Cosmetics Studio
Shop NowAnteAGE MD
AnteAGE MD utilizes exosome growth factors and cytokines, specific signaling molecules obtained from stem cells, to instruct the body to naturally repair and rejuvenate wherever it is used.
My recommendation: In providing women’s sexual health treatments, I recommend AnteAGE MD’s Vaginal Rejuvenation Solution (VRS) kit of 6 at-home treatments. It combines growth factors, cytokines, hyaluronic acid, and polypeptides to provide a non-hormonal treatment for genitourinary syndrome of menopause including vaginal dryness, burning, or pain, urinary urgency or frequency, or decreased sensitivity. Talk about a game changer!
*Available for purchase at Flirt Cosmetics sStudio
Learn More About AnteAGE MD

Benev has refined the ability to extract exosomal growth factors and cytokines from stem cells to power their Exosome Regenerative Complex +. This powerful treatment combines concentrated exosomes (5 billion!) with peptides, coenzymes, minerals, vitamins, and amino acids to repair and rejuvenate skin and scalp exponentially.
My recommendation: I apply this complex topically after in-clinic microneedling procedures such as Morpheus8 or MesoGold 20 for skin or scalp. Dermal elastin and collagen production increase exponentially, minimizes downtime, and promotes healthy, thicker hair growth.
Learn More About Benev