Belkyra/Deoxycholic Acid

Belkyra is a non-surgical medical aesthetic treatment directly targeting fat reduction. The treatment protocol includes a series of injections of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that helps break down fat.


Reduce or eliminate “double chin” or fullness under the chin

Define the jawline by targeting jowls

Improve the appearance of chin profile without surgery

Help to eliminate small areas of fat deposits on the body such as along the bra line or under arms

How It Works

When deoxycholic acid is injected into an area of fatty tissue, it lyses or breaks down fat cells on contact. This cellular debris is then slowly reabsorbed by the body. Once recovered, those fat cells are gone permanently! You will notice visible fat reduction with subsequent jawline sculpting in 2 to 4 treatments spaced 3 to 4 weeks apart, though some patients will require up to 6 treatments depending on the amount of original fat deposition. Once your desired results are achieved, maintenance treatments may only be required every few years or if you gain additional weight.

When paired with treatments like Morpheus8, Evoke, or thread lifts, your results can be exponential and longer lasting!


Consultation is required to ensure you are a good candidate for this treatment. I recommend taking Tylenol approximately 1 hour before your appointment. Prior to injection, topical numbing cream and ice are used to manage discomfort as well. During the treatment, deoxycholic acid is injected into the tissue in a grid-like pattern, taking only a few minutes.


During and just after the treatment, you may experience mild to moderate side effects including swelling, bruising, redness, pain, numbness, tingling or itchiness and a sensation of warmth. Ice is applied immediately after to aid in managing any of these effects and is encouraged to be used as you recover. Over the next 1 to 3 weeks, the swelling and tenderness slowly begin to dissipate as your body reabsorbs the cellular debris from the broken up fat cells. To aid in recovery, massaging or using a roller on the area 5 times a day for 7 days or until the area has healed ensures adequate circulation.

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